February 5, 2018
FAA flight restrictions for drones changes fluidly between districts and states. Because there is no single, universal set of restrictions, it can be difficult to keep track of what you can and cannot do with your drone. If your business is having trouble finding the right regulations for the area in which you are filming, it will benefit you greatly to download the FAA’s B4UFLY mobile app, which is available on Google Play and within the Apple Store. Read on to learn more about how this app can help you navigate flight restrictions, discover regulatory information, plan future flights, and much more.
Why is it Important to Check Restrictions?
The B4UFLY application is not a hardline law enforcement tool. It is meant to be used as guidance, so pilots can use their best judgement when it comes to flying their UAV drone. However, checking restrictions is heavily recommended by the FAA in order to protect yourself and others, both financially and physically.
Because drones are becoming incredibly popular devices for recreational and commercial use alike, the FAA wants to ensure aviation activity is safe and secure for all parties. For example, imagine that your business is interested in capturing video with your UAV drone for commercial purposes. Flying drones within range of manned aircrafts can cause multiple issues, not the least of which is personal injury. The B4UFLY app will give you the location of these manned aircrafts, so you can avoid them when filming.
Do You Still Need Drone Insurance?
While the B4UFLY app is incredibly ingenuitive and helpful, it is entirely voluntary, and might not always have the most up-to-date or accurate information. It’s possible that your drone’s flight path will intersect with a manned aircraft’s flight path. It’s important to be prepared in case you run into issues. UAV drone insurance is most useful combined with the B4UFLY app when it concerns liability coverage (if operating your drone causes harm to property or persons) and non-owned coverage (if operating your drone causes damage to third-party aircraft).
When flying drones for your business, the best course of action is to be as prepared as possible for mishaps. The combination of UAV drone insurance and the B4UFLY app will provide such preparation with ease.
The App is Ever-Growing
The B4UFLY app is continually being improved by the FAA to be as useful as possible. As of now, the main goal of the app is to provide accurate and helpful information to hobbyists. However, they plan to develop the app further in order for it to better serve those who fly drones for commercial purposes. As it is now, the app can still be used by commercial operators, and is recommended. The B4UFLY app is meant to be used as a supplementary tool–without a doubt, UAV drone insurance is what your business needs in order to properly ensure the continued protected operation of your drone flights.
Are you looking to purchase UAV drone insurance in Maryland, Virginia, or anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic region? American Heritage Insurance Agency is ready to help. We’ll work with you to discover the best drone insurance options for your business, and you’ll be receiving the most effective drone insurance possible.